쩝 작은 게임이지만, 게임 룰이 판이하게 변경될 때마다 작업이 참 많다.
case Rock = 0, Paper, Scissors, UBB, Golden
case .Rock:
return "rock"
case .Paper:
return "paper"
case .Scissors:
return "scissors"
case .UBB:
return "ubb"
case .Golden:
return "golden"
- User Action : tab - rotation 제거
- 방향 전환 모듈 제거에 따른 승리룰 체크 변경
func algorithmDrawOrWin(typeUpper: hjhBlocType, directionUpper: hjhDirectionType, typelower: hjhBlocType, directionLower: hjhDirectionType) -> Bool {
var nothingIsNorth : hjhDirectionType = directionUpper
var nothingIsNorth2 : hjhDirectionType = directionLower
if nothingIsNorth == .Nothing { nothingIsNorth = .North }
if nothingIsNorth2 == .Nothing { nothingIsNorth2 = .North }
- Init Rotation 제거 - 처음 나올 때부터 회전.
//hjh_disabled_init random rotation if GS.s.stage6flag {
// if Bool.random() { rotateBlocks(orientation: orientation) }
// if Bool.random() { rotateBlocks(orientation: orientation) }
// if Bool.random() { rotateBlocks(orientation: orientation) }
// }
final func rotateBlocks(orientation: Orientation) {
guard let blockRowColumnTranslation: Array<(columnDiff: Int, rowDiff: Int)> = blockRowColumnPositions[orientation] else {
if self.blocks.mBlocDirection == .North {
self.blocks.mBlocDirection = hjhDirectionType.East
} else if self.blocks.mBlocDirection == .East {
self.blocks.mBlocDirection = hjhDirectionType.South
} else if self.blocks.mBlocDirection == .South {
self.blocks.mBlocDirection = hjhDirectionType.West
} else if self.blocks.mBlocDirection == .West {
self.blocks.mBlocDirection = hjhDirectionType.North
} else if self.blocks.mBlocDirection == .Nothing {
self.blocks.mBlocDirection = hjhDirectionType.East
let rotateAction = SKAction.rotate(byAngle: radian2degree(-90), duration: 0.5)
// , rotateAction
// , SKAction.removeFromParent()
// for (idx, diff) in blockRowColumnTranslation.enumerated() {
// blocks[idx].mXposition = column + diff.columnDiff
// blocks[idx].mYposition = row + diff.rowDiff
// }
- Bloc Type 제거 및 정리
case Rock = 0, Paper, Scissors, UBB, Golden
var spriteName: String {
switch self {
case .Rock:
return "rock"
case .Paper:
return "paper"
case .Scissors:
return "scissors"
case .UBB:
return "ubb"
case .Golden:
return "golden"
// case .ERROR:
// return "ERROR"
var spriteName: String {
switch self {
case .Rock:
return "rock"
case .Rock1:
return "rock1"
case .Rock2:
return "rock2"
case .Paper:
return "paper"
case .Paper1:
return "paper1"
case .Paper2:
return "paper2"
case .Scissors:
return "scissors"
case .Scissors1:
return "scissors1"
case .Scissors2:
return "scissors2"
- Bloc type 변경에 따른 승리룰 변경 적용
fileprivate func tigRules1(_ bloc: AtomicBloc, _ vX: Int, _ vY: Int, _ effectX: CGFloat, _ effectY: CGFloat) {
// Toast.showBlack(message: bloc.mBlocType.description + " and " + prevBloc!.mBlocType.description)
// Toast.showBlack(message: bloc.mXposition.description + "," + bloc.mYposition.description + " and " + prevBloc!.mXposition.description + "," + prevBloc!.mYposition.description)
//TODO: making "nil" type
if algorithmDrawOrWin(typeUpper: bloc.mBlocType, directionUpper: bloc.mBlocDirection, typelower: GS.s.hjhBlocStorage?[vX, vY + 1]?.mBlocType ?? hjhBlocType.Rock, directionLower: GS.s.hjhBlocStorage?[vX, vY + 1]?.mBlocDirection ?? hjhDirectionType.Nothing) {
debugPrint("same same bloc type")
// let randomRadius = CGFloat(UInt(arc4random_uniform(400) + 100))
// let goLeft = arc4random_uniform(100) % 2 == 0
// var point = GS.s.gameScene?.spritePositionCalculator_(column: (GS.s.hjhBlocStorage?[vX, vY]!.mXposition)!, row: (GS.s.hjhBlocStorage?[vX, vY]!.mYposition)!)
// point = CGPoint(x: point!.x + (goLeft ? -randomRadius : randomRadius), y: point!.y)
// let randomDuration = TimeInterval(arc4random_uniform(2)) + 0.5
// // #5
// var startAngle = CGFloat(Double.pi)
// var endAngle = startAngle * 2
// if goLeft {
// endAngle = startAngle
// startAngle = 0
// }
// let archPath = UIBezierPath(arcCenter: point!, radius: randomRadius, startAngle: startAngle, endAngle: endAngle, clockwise: goLeft)
// let archAction = SKAction.follow(archPath.cgPath, asOffset: false, orientToPath: true, duration: randomDuration)
// archAction.timingMode = .easeIn
let atomicSprite = GS.s.hjhBlocStorage?[vX, vY]?.mSprite!
debugPrint("\n demo1checking " + (GS.s.hjhBlocStorage?[vX, vY + 1]?.mSprite!.description ?? "NONE") ?? "NOTHING")
GS.s.hjhBlocStorage?[vX, vY + 1]?.mSprite!.removeFromParent()
GS.s.hjhBlocStorage?[vX, vY + 1]?.deletingMeFromStorage()
// let atomicSprite2 = GS.s.hjhBlocStorage?[vX, vY + 1]?.mSprite!
atomicSprite!.alpha = 1000
// let fadeInAction = SKAction.fadeAlpha(to: 0, duration: 0.2)
// fadeInAction.timingMode = .easeIn
// let hjhAction001 = SKAction.moveBy(x: 0, y: 0, duration: 1)
let hjhAction002 = SKAction.scale(to: 0, duration: 0.5)
atomicSprite!.run( SKAction.sequence(
// [SKAction.group([fadeInAction]),
let yae : Int = vY + 1
// GS.s.hjhBlocStorage?[vX, yae]?.mSprite!.removeFromParent()
debugPrint("vxvy : ", vX, vY, yae)
// GS.s.hjhBlocStorage?[vX, yae]?.deletingMeFromStorage()
// run(SKAction.wait(forDuration: 0.4), completion: completion)
// debugPrint("animateCollapsingLines : ", block.mXposition, block.mYposition, block.mSprite!.anchorPoint.x, block.mSprite!.anchorPoint.y)
// #6
// sprite!.zPosition = 1000
// sprite!.removeFromParent()
GS.s.hjhBlocStorage?[vX, vY]?.deletingMeFromStorage()
let effect = eff_baamTwoBlocks(x: effectX, y: effectY)
if GS.s.logLevel == .fixing {
debugPrint("hjhFixingBloc Effect x = ", effect.position.x, ", y = ", effect.position.y) }
totalScore += 10
// GS.s.hjhBlocStorage?[vX, vY + 1]?.mSprite?.removeFromParent()
// GS.s.hjhBlocStorage?[vX, vY + 1]?.deletingMeFromStorage()
//TODO: WHY Toast.show(message: (GS.s.hjhBlocStorage?[vX, vY]?.mXposition.description)! + " " + (GS.s.hjhBlocStorage?[vX, vY]?.mYposition.description)!)
//TODO: WHY Toast.showBlack(message: GS.s.hjhBlocStorage?[vX, vY]?.mXposition.description ?? "NOTHING")
// GS.s.hjhBlocStorage?[vX, vY + 1]?.mSprite?.removeFromParent()
// prevBloc!.deletingMeFromStorage()
- 골든 블락, 제거 안되는 블락 제거에 따른 룰 변경
if typeUpper == hjhBlocType.Golden {
return true
if nothingIsNorth != nothingIsNorth2 {
return false
구문 제거