책임을 진다는 것


꿈을 미룬다는 것이다.

꿈을 포기할 필요는 없다.

페이스북 보니

죽지 직전에 꿈을 이룬다고 비꼬던데...

그렇게 해야 진정 더 멋진 꿈이 되는 꿈도 있다.



학력, 이력, 자격증은 더 이상 이력이 되지 못하는 것 같다.


가지고 있는 솔루션이 바로 이력 이라는 결론에 도달.


기술은 정치에 이용된다는 것을 깨달았다.



이번 주말에는 어떤 솔루션을 가질지 고민하고 실행해야겠다.



iOS developer program - registered device reset


Edit your list of devices.
Now that you've started a new membership year, you can remove unwanted devices from your account and reset your registered device list. By default, your enabled devices are pre-selected and disabled devices are not selected.

Select the devices you wish to carry over to this membership year or deselect the devices you want to remove.

Select All0 of 99 item(s) selected
hajunho의 iPhone99085471a5807d4dd7080a6f32d1e2cd649e4add
Chris's Iphone64d1438deffeb4625901dd29201574944326f5c8
Shin Jung Min의 iPhone134c57299a813041710f8addff39290ab0df0a61
iPhone ของ apinuntrumb479bdefb7c5f64c561ce033f7cf7c20d43044ed
Poztboxes iphone

Confirm your devices and reset.
You have chosen to remove all of your devices.

You have the following number of devices available for registration:
Apple TV : 100
Apple Watch : 98
iPad : 99
iPhone : 2
iPod Touch : 100
Updated Device List
All devices have been selected for removal.

I acknowledge that any devices I disable during this membership year will continue to count towards my total registered devices.

You have the following number of devices available for registration:
Apple TV : 100
Apple Watch : 100
iPad : 100
iPhone : 100
iPod Touch : 100
The maximum number of each device type that you can register per membership year is:

Apple TV : 100
Apple Watch : 100
iPad : 100
iPhone : 100
iPod Touch : 100
You may reset your device list at the start of your next membership year.

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