loading 'build.ninja' : No such file or directtory.
아카이브 실행은 잘 되지만 Play button 실행은 되지 않는다.
어느 순간부터 공통 문제... 변화가 너무 빨라서 sync freeze를 하지 않는 이상 따라야 하는 경우가 되었다.
while true; do du -sh ./temp1 && du -sh ./temp1build && du -sh ./temp1noindex; sleep 5; done
Xcode derived data 폴더를 custom 지정 후 빌드 변화를 지켜보고 있다.
뭐... 이렇게 될 줄 알았음. ㅋㅋㅋ
python 3.7.3 에서는 잘 된다. 3.8.6에서 안되는데 그게 파이썬만의 문제인지 찾아봐야 한다.
진주종 Cholesteatoma
주변 사람 ㅠㅠ 때문에 알아 본... 건강 챙기자
건강만 괜찮으면 오케이!
뭔가 버그가 있는데 볼 수가 없군...
을 해도
√ ~/Documents/GitHub/chromium/src % autoninja -C out/Debug-iphoneos ios_web_shell
[E2020-10-21T15:26:22.269045+09:00 78184 0 annotate.go:241] original error: no such package: infra/python/wheels/psutil/mac-amd64_cp32_abi3
[E2020-10-21T15:26:22.269083+09:00 78184 0 annotate.go:241]
[E2020-10-21T15:26:22.269090+09:00 78184 0 annotate.go:241] goroutine 33:
[E2020-10-21T15:26:22.269095+09:00 78184 0 annotate.go:241] #0 go.chromium.org/luci/cipd/client/cipd/client.go:1690 - cipd.(*clientImpl).humanErr()
[E2020-10-21T15:26:22.269100+09:00 78184 0 annotate.go:241] #1 go.chromium.org/luci/cipd/client/cipd/client.go:743 - cipd.(*clientImpl).ResolveVersion()
[E2020-10-21T15:26:22.269110+09:00 78184 0 annotate.go:241] #2 go.chromium.org/luci/cipd/client/cipd/resolver.go:176 - cipd.(*Resolver).resolveVersion.func1()
[E2020-10-21T15:26:22.269116+09:00 78184 0 annotate.go:241] #3 go.chromium.org/luci/common/sync/promise/promise.go:84 - promise.(*Promise).runGen()
[E2020-10-21T15:26:22.269120+09:00 78184 0 annotate.go:241] #4 runtime/asm_amd64.s:1374 - runtime.goexit()
[E2020-10-21T15:26:22.269126+09:00 78184 0 annotate.go:241]
[E2020-10-21T15:26:22.269130+09:00 78184 0 annotate.go:241] goroutine 32:
[E2020-10-21T15:26:22.269135+09:00 78184 0 annotate.go:241] From frame 0 to 0, the following wrappers were found:
[E2020-10-21T15:26:22.269140+09:00 78184 0 annotate.go:241] internal reason: MultiError 1/1: following first non-nil error.
[E2020-10-21T15:26:22.269148+09:00 78184 0 annotate.go:241]
[E2020-10-21T15:26:22.269153+09:00 78184 0 annotate.go:241] #0 go.chromium.org/luci/cipd/client/cipd/ensure/file.go:255 - ensure.(*File).Resolve.func1.1()
[E2020-10-21T15:26:22.269158+09:00 78184 0 annotate.go:241] reason: failed to resolve infra/python/wheels/psutil/mac-amd64_cp32_abi3@version:5.6.2 (line 0)
[E2020-10-21T15:26:22.269164+09:00 78184 0 annotate.go:241]
[E2020-10-21T15:26:22.269168+09:00 78184 0 annotate.go:241] #1 go.chromium.org/luci/common/sync/parallel/runner.go:51 - parallel.(*WorkItem).execute()
[E2020-10-21T15:26:22.269173+09:00 78184 0 annotate.go:241] #2 go.chromium.org/luci/common/sync/parallel/runner.go:149 - parallel.(*Runner).dispatchLoopBody.func2()
[E2020-10-21T15:26:22.269178+09:00 78184 0 annotate.go:241] #3 runtime/asm_amd64.s:1374 - runtime.goexit()
[E2020-10-21T15:26:22.269183+09:00 78184 0 annotate.go:241]
[E2020-10-21T15:26:22.269187+09:00 78184 0 annotate.go:241] goroutine 1:
[E2020-10-21T15:26:22.269193+09:00 78184 0 annotate.go:241] #0 go.chromium.org/luci/vpython/venv/config.go:183 - venv.(*Config).makeEnv()
[E2020-10-21T15:26:22.269198+09:00 78184 0 annotate.go:241] reason: failed to resolve packages
[E2020-10-21T15:26:22.269203+09:00 78184 0 annotate.go:241]
[E2020-10-21T15:26:22.269207+09:00 78184 0 annotate.go:241] #1 go.chromium.org/luci/vpython/venv/venv.go:163 - venv.With()
[E2020-10-21T15:26:22.269211+09:00 78184 0 annotate.go:241] #2 go.chromium.org/luci/vpython/run.go:62 - vpython.Run()
[E2020-10-21T15:26:22.269216+09:00 78184 0 annotate.go:241] #3 go.chromium.org/luci/vpython/application/application.go:320 - application.(*application).mainImpl()
[E2020-10-21T15:26:22.269221+09:00 78184 0 annotate.go:241] #4 go.chromium.org/luci/vpython/application/application.go:408 - application.(*Config).Main.func1()
[E2020-10-21T15:26:22.269225+09:00 78184 0 annotate.go:241] #5 go.chromium.org/luci/vpython/application/support.go:46 - application.run()
[E2020-10-21T15:26:22.269230+09:00 78184 0 annotate.go:241] #6 go.chromium.org/luci/vpython/application/application.go:407 - application.(*Config).Main()
[E2020-10-21T15:26:22.269235+09:00 78184 0 annotate.go:241] #7 vpython/main.go:106 - main.mainImpl()
[E2020-10-21T15:26:22.269240+09:00 78184 0 annotate.go:241] #8 vpython/main.go:112 - main.main()
[E2020-10-21T15:26:22.269244+09:00 78184 0 annotate.go:241] #9 runtime/proc.go:204 - runtime.main()
[E2020-10-21T15:26:22.269249+09:00 78184 0 annotate.go:241] #10 runtime/asm_amd64.s:1374 - runtime.goexit()
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뭐 예전 버전은 빌드 잘 되니까 ... python 문제가 아니었군.
~/Documents/GitHub/chromium/src % sudo ~/timespaceroot/depot_tools/vpython -m pip install psutil
The directory '/Users/junhoha/Library/Caches/pip/http' or its parent directory is not owned by the current user and the cache has been disabled. Please check the permissions and owner of that directory. If executing pip with sudo, you may want sudo's -H flag.
The directory '/Users/junhoha/Library/Caches/pip' or its parent directory is not owned by the current user and caching wheels has been disabled. check the permissions and owner of that directory. If executing pip with sudo, you may want sudo's -H flag.
Collecting psutil
Installing collected packages: psutil
Successfully installed psutil-5.7.2
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