1. 영상강좌 유무료 사이트
1. https://www.edx.org/ : 세계 유명 대학의 Computer Science 강좌를 들을 수 있음
2. 모두의연구소(http://www.modulabs.co.kr/, 새단장중)
3. Coursera(Data Science 추천)
4. K-Mooc(유튜브 채널 있음)
5. 왼손코딩(유튜브 채널) : Python
6. 생활코딩(https://opentutorials.org/course/1)
7. 동빈나 : 알고리즘, 입사문제풀이
8. 인프런(https://www.inflearn.com/)
9. 구름EDU
11. codecademy
12. codeschool
13. KOCW(http://www.kocw.net)
14. 코딩도장(https://dojang.io/) : Python, C
15. 클래스101
16. 패스트캠퍼스
2. 알고리즘 사이트
1. https://www.hackerrank.com/
6. 백준 알고리즘
7. 코딩도장(http://codingdojang.com/)
8. 매일프로그래밍(https://mailprogramming.com/)
9. Codility, LeetCode
11. goormlevel
13. topcoder
15. http://codeup.kr
17. codewars
18. https://codingcompetitions.withgoogle.com/codejam/archive
19. oj.uz
22. 프로그래머스
23. leetcode
3. 제보사이트
1. www.dafit.me : 데이터사이언스 연습문제은행 사이트
2. Kaggle(https://www.kaggle.com/)
3.소프트웨어야 놀자(https://www.playsw.or.kr/main)
4. edwith(https://www.edwith.org/boost-course/intro)
5. 삼성전자 주니어 소프트웨어 아카데미(https://www.juniorsw.com/Academy/Story?CategoryID=6)
6. 글로벌 비영리 기관 위민 후 코드(https://www.womenwhocode.com/resources)
유튜브에서 온라인 강의를 안 했던 것은 아니지만,
벤치마킹당하는 케이스가 워낙 많아서, 다 지웠었다.
FSF 정신으로 돈이 안 되는 것은 떠나서 개발자 가치 자체를 떨어뜨리는 일이다.
특정 기업에서 강사들끼리 하는 강의를 베껴 다른 강사가
유명 출판사를 통해 출판을 하는 경우도 있고,
아무래도 오래도록 프로그래밍을 한 사람은 그들만 아는 "정수"가 있다.
그 "정수" 널리 퍼지는 것은 관계없으나
가치 없이 나뒹굴게 되는 것은 아쉽다는 점이다.
정말 잘 알고 강의를 오래 한 사람은 온라인 강의를 하려고 하지 않는다.
워낙 싸니까 ^^.
온라인 강의를 하는 시점은 이미 많이 퍼져서 자신의 이름으로 마일스톤을 찍고 싶어 졌을 때다.
그래 봤자 딱히 의미는 없다. 요샌 애들이 영어를 잘해서 코세라에서 세계 유명 강사들에게 배우니까...
그나마 남은 시장의 수강생은 어차피 배워도 오래도록 일하지 않거나 별 퍼포먼스가 나오지 않는 경우.
5% 정도는 잘하는데 뒤늦게 본인의 흥미를 발견해서 즐기는 친구들이다.
어차피 그 5%가 IT 산업을 이끄니까 나쁘진 않다.
예전에는 비싸게 받는 개발자 강의를 지지하지 않았다. 가난한 친구들이 위에서 말한 5%가 될 확률이 더 높다고 생각이 되었는데 양극화를 더 심화시킨다는 판단이었다. 그 이후로 세월이 꽤 흘렀다. 3년? 4년? 요즘 학생들 가르쳐 보면 명품 신발에 명품 가방, 명품 지갑을 들고 다닌다. 그게 아니라도 어느 정도 자기 자신을 위해 투자할 정도의 돈은 모은다.
그 돈을 쏟아부어서 취업을 할 수 있다면 좋겠지. 최근 소프트웨어 마에스트로 과정 자체를 바꿀 수 있는 정부 관계자를 만나 이런저런 이야기를 했었다. 정부 제안은 차라리 스탠포트나 MIT에서 공부할 수 있도록 수억을 몰아서 지원해주는 게 좋겠다는 말이었다.
그도 그럴 것이 오래된 한 이음 사업은 변질되었고, 소마 과정은 글로벌하게는 죽 쑤고 있는 대기업이나 국내에서만 잘 나가는 벤처만 밀어주는 사업이기 때문이다. 다들 기업 취업으로 포장을 하지만 아이들의 간절함에 비해 기업의 진심은 오히려 떨어진다는 것은 내 말이 아니라 정부의 말이었다. 나는 해당 부분에 대해서 긍정도 부정도 하지 않았다. (왜냐면 내가 취업반 강사니까)
요즘 세상의 문제는 간단하지 않다. 많이 꼬여있다.
지금 내 마음으로서는 국내 설루션은 카카오를 많이 밀어줬으면 한다. 카카오 뱅크, 버스, 지하철, 톡 등등...
내비게이션도 T맵처럼 허튼짓 안 하고 아직도 정말 안내하는데 초점을 두고 있다.
애국심을 말하기 힘든 세상이 되었지만, 이렇게 힘들 때 초 강대국인 중국과 미국 스탠스도 자국 서비스 보호하는데 우리도 그랬으면 한다.
뭐, 물론, KT가 통일할게 될 것은 자명하다만 카카오가 워낙 잘하니, KT가 카카오와 합치는 것도 좋은 그림이니.
오늘 패스트캠퍼스 강의 2개 수강 신청했다. 알고리즘이랑 AI 분야. 기초는 매일 강조해도 부족하다. AI는 내 전문분야는 아니지만, 등 떠밀려서 할 수 밖에 없는 분야다. 이미 3년 전부터 ETRI에서 텐서 플로우로 사물 인식하는 사용법을 가르치는 파트를 2~3시간 할애해 왔었다. 물론, ETRI의 KSB 프로젝트를 포기했던 친구들을 달래서 대회 수상도 시켰지만 어차피 국내 설루션이던 해외 설루션이던 지금은 사회 문제 해결과 완전 기초 과학만 연구하는 국내 인력 양성에 힘을 기울여야 한다는 생각이다.
해외 SWIFT 강의는 220 달러 넘게 줬는데, 패캠 강의는 2개 합해도 20만 원 안 했다. 들을 시간이 얼마나 있을지는 모르지만 그래도 패캠이 선택하는 강사는 꽤 명망 있는 강사들이라 현업에서 꼭 필요한 딱 한 문장만 내가 모르던 부분이라면, 돈이 아깝지 않다.
다만, 나중에 내가 생각한 전체 설루션이 완성이 되면(영상 DRM linked 포함) 모든 강의는 경제적으로 힘든 사람들에게는 무료로 제공되었으면 한다.
대한민국이 극한의 효율성을 발판으로 정말 모두가 잘 살 수 있는 나라가 되길 바라며.
P.S 브런치 자동 수정 기능이 좋아 쓰는데 솔루션(solution)을 계속 설루션으로 고친다. 뭐, 발음만 잘하면 문제없으니 앞으로는 그냥 자동 수정을 쓰려고 한다.
Global Insights•Irvine, California
Blizzard Entertainment games don’t just begin with game ideas or end once those games are released. A lot more goes into the creation of a Blizzard product than the work of developers—and we support our games for years after they’re in the hands of gamers worldwide.
Blizzard Entertainment is seeking an Analyst, Business and Gameplay Insights – World of Warcraft to lead strategic analysis focused on the identification, evaluation, and execution of opportunities to drive growth and operational excellence for the WoW franchise.
Quest description
- Slice through petabytes of data to find compelling and actionable business insights
- Apply vision and confidence to design and direct qualitative and quantitative analysis
- Stand before stakeholders, including senior leaders, to clearly communicate your strategic findings and recommendations
- Translate recommendations into efficient action plans for senior management and department leaders
- Stay abreast of industry trends and innovative developments
Required talent build
- Arcane Brilliance: Analytical orientation and strong problem-solving skills, demonstrated by the ability to structure an issue and analyze alternative solutions. A tireless advocate for the use of data to solve problems.
- Power Word: Curiosity: Curious, internally-motivated self-starter with the ability to plan, organize, and establish priorities to manage multiple projects and achieve results.
- Break it down!: Superior communications, presentation, and facilitation skills: must have the ability to structure a concise, clear presentation of findings, based on large sets of complex data, and effectively present this to any level in the organization.
- Chart the Course: Capable of building highly functional and beautiful dashboards.
- Confident Aim: Strong quantitative skills with a penchant for analytical query writing.
- Stay Awhile and Listen: Excellent interpersonal skills. Effective with storytelling using data and appropriate visualizations.
Recommended gear
- A minimum of 3+ years’ experience in Gaming, Management Consulting, Data Analytics, Product Management, or Finance
- MBA or Masters’ degree in an analytical field
- Passionate gamer with working knowledge of Blizzard games, products, and services (particularly World of Warcraft)
- Experience working with data using SQL
- Experience with specialized visualization tools (Tableau)
Required Application Materials
- Resume
- Cover Letter which should include:
- Why you are interested in working at Blizzard
- What games you are currently playing
- **Only Resumes with Cover Letters will be considered.
We are an Equal Opportunity Employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, national origin, protected veteran status, or any other basis protected by applicable law, and will not be discriminated against on the basis of disability.
Blizzard Entertainment is a global company committed to growing our employees along with the business. We offer generous benefits and perks with an eye on providing true work/life balance. We’ve worked hard to foster an intensely collaborative and creative environment, a diverse and inclusive employee culture, and training and opportunity for professional growth. Our people are everything. Our core values are real, and our mission has never changed. We are dedicated to creating the most epic entertainment experiences…ever. Join us!
Global Insights•Irvine, California
Lead Software Engineer, Data
Blizzard Entertainment games don’t just begin with game ideas or end once those games are released. A lot more goes into the creation of an epic game than the work of developers and more than you can ever imagine goes into continuing to build and hone and perfect the most epic gaming experience in the years after our games are in the hands of gamers worldwide.
Blizzard Entertainment is looking for an Engineer with software and data development experience to join our Global Insights team to help shape the next generation of personalized player experiences. We are developing data-driven services to provide engaging experiences to our players. As part of this role, you will be responsible for contributing to the design, implementation, and maintenance of these services.
Knowledge and Experience
- Experience leading a team of engineers, managing technical roadmaps and aligning with stakeholders
- Engineering career development strategy
- Technical Decision making and architectural patterns and tradeoffs
- Troubleshooting and navigating complex technical challenges
- Code development and build process best practices
- Data Warehouse Technologies (Teradata, Oracle, GoldenGate pluses)
- ETL Tools and Frameworks (Airflow and Spark pluses)
- SQL-based Reporting Software such as Tableau
- Data modeling techniques such as 3rd normal form or star schema
- Data enrichment, aggregation, and replication practices
- SQL, navigating cardinality and data structures
- DevOps build techniques and practices (Jenkins, Kubernetes, Terraform pluses)
- Scala, Spark, and Hadoop big pluses
- Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science or related field, or equivalent experience.
- Minimum 5-7 years’ experience on a software team preferably building back-end data services, APIs, or microservices in a large-scale production environment.
- Good experience working with relational databases and writing SQL
- Knowledge of the Hadoop ecosystem (HDFS, Spark, Flink, Hive, etc.)
- Data Modelling and Warehousing concepts and experience
- Enjoy and have experience building APIs.
- DevOps experience using containers on Kubernetes, or virtualization experience on openstack
- Experience with workflow schedulers like Airflow
- Cloud Development Experience on platforms such as AWS, GCP, Azure, or IBM Cloud
- MPP Database Solutions, Data Warehousing Technologies
- Full-stack Experience (Infrastructure, Storage, Databases, ETL, Web Services, Visualization)
- Java preferred
Application Materials
- Resume
- Cover Letter which should include:
- Why you are interested in working at Blizzard
Blizzard Entertainment is an Equal Opportunity Employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, national origin, protected veteran status, or any other basis protected by applicable law, and will not be discriminated against on the basis of disability.
Blizzard Entertainment is a global company committed to growing our employees along with the business. We offer generous benefits and perks with an eye on providing true work/life balance. We’ve worked hard to foster an intensely collaborative and creative environment, a diverse and inclusive employee culture, and training and opportunity for professional growth. Our people are everything. Our core values are real, and our mission has never changed. We are dedicated to creating the most epic entertainment experiences.
출처: <https://ioswift.tistory.com/manage/newpost/?type=post&returnURL=%2Fmanage%2Fposts%2F>
Global Insights•Irvine, California
Software Engineer, Data Warehousing
Blizzard Entertainment games don’t just begin with game ideas or end once those games are released. A lot more goes into the creation of an epic game than the work of developers and more than you can ever imagine goes into continuing to build and hone and perfect the most epic gaming experience in the years after our games are in the hands of gamers worldwide.
Blizzard Entertainment is looking for an Engineer with software and data development experience to join our Global Insights team to help shape the next generation of personalized player experiences. We are developing data-driven services to provide engaging experiences to our players. As part of this role, you will be responsible for contributing to the design, implementation, and maintenance of these services.
Knowledge and Experience
- Data Warehouse Technologies (Teradata, Oracle, GoldenGate pluses)
- ETL Tools and Frameworks (Airflow and Spark pluses)
- SQL-based Reporting Software such as Tableau
- Data modeling techniques such as 3rd normal form or star schema
- Data enrichment, aggregation, and replication practices
- SQL, navigating cardinality and data structures
- DevOps build techniques and practices (Jenkins, Kubernetes, Terraform pluses)
- Scala, Spark, and Hadoop big pluses
- Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science or related field, or equivalent experience.
- 3+ years’ experience on a software team preferably building back-end data services, APIs, or microservices in a large-scale production environment.
- Good experience working with relational databases and writing SQL
- Knowledge of the Hadoop ecosystem (HDFS, Spark, Flink, Hive, etc.)
- Data Modelling and Warehousing concepts and experience
- Enjoy and have experience building APIs.
- DevOps experience using containers on Kubernetes, or virtualization experience on OpenStack
- Experience with workflow schedulers like Airflow
- Cloud Development Experience on platforms such as AWS, GCP, Azure, or IBM Cloud
- MPP Database Solutions, Data Warehousing Technologies
- Full-stack Experience (Infrastructure, Storage, Databases, ETL, Web Services, Visualization)
- Java preferred
Application Materials
- Resume
- Cover Letter which should include:
- Why you are interested in working at Blizzard
Blizzard Entertainment is an Equal Opportunity Employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, national origin, protected veteran status, or any other basis protected by applicable law, and will not be discriminated against on the basis of disability.
Blizzard Entertainment is a global company committed to growing our employees along with the business. We offer generous benefits and perks with an eye on providing true work/life balance. We’ve worked hard to foster an intensely collaborative and creative environment, a diverse and inclusive employee culture, and training and opportunity for professional growth. Our people are everything. Our core values are real, and our mission has never changed. We are dedicated to creating the most epic entertainment experiences.
출처: <https://careers.blizzard.com/ko-kr/openings/okyEbfwr>
Global Insights•Irvine, California
Software Engineer, Game Franchise Analytics
Blizzard Entertainment games don’t just begin with game ideas or end once those games are released. A lot more goes into the creation of an epic game than the work of developers and more than you can ever imagine goes into continuing to build and hone and perfect the most epic gaming experience in the years after our games are in the hands of gamers worldwide.
Blizzard Entertainment is looking for an Engineer with software and data development experience to join our Global Insights team to help shape the next generation of personalized player experiences. We are developing data-driven services to provide engaging experiences to our players. As part of this role, you will be responsible for contributing to the design, implementation, and maintenance of these services.
Knowledge and Experience
- ETL Tools and Frameworks (Airflow and Spark big pluses)
- Understanding complex business logic and dependencies
- Partner with Stakeholders to track and measure new game features
- Data enrichment and aggregation practices
- Data Change Control techniques (append-only, trunk and replace, etc.)
- SQL, navigating cardinality and data structures
- DevOps build techniques and practices (Jenkins, Kubernetes, Terraform pluses)
- Scala, Spark, and Hadoop big pluses
- Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science or related field, or equivalent experience.
- 3+ years’ experience on a software team preferably building back-end data services, APIs, or microservices in a large-scale production environment.
- Good experience working with relational databases and writing SQL
- Knowledge of the Hadoop ecosystem (HDFS, Spark, Flink, Hive, etc.)
- Data Modelling and Warehousing concepts and experience
- Enjoy and have experience building APIs.
- DevOps experience using containers on Kubernetes, or virtualization experience on OpenStack
- Experience with workflow schedulers like Airflow
- Cloud Development Experience on platforms such as AWS, GCP, Azure, or IBM Cloud
- MPP Database Solutions, Data Warehousing Technologies
- Full-stack Experience (Infrastructure, Storage, Databases, ETL, Web Services, Visualization)
- Java preferred
Application Materials
- Resume
- Cover Letter which should include:
- Why you are interested in working at Blizzard
Blizzard Entertainment is an Equal Opportunity Employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, national origin, protected veteran status, or any other basis protected by applicable law, and will not be discriminated against on the basis of disability.
Blizzard Entertainment is a global company committed to growing our employees along with the business. We offer generous benefits and perks with an eye on providing true work/life balance. We’ve worked hard to foster an intensely collaborative and creative environment, a diverse and inclusive employee culture, and training and opportunity for professional growth. Our people are everything. Our core values are real, and our mission has never changed. We are dedicated to creating the most epic entertainment experiences.
출처: <https://careers.blizzard.com/ko-kr/openings/ofyEbfwm>
Global Insights•Irvine, California
Software Engineer, Personalization Engine and Live Services
Blizzard Entertainment games don’t just begin with game ideas or end once those games are released. A lot more goes into the creation of an epic game than the work of developers and more than you can ever imagine goes into continuing to build and hone andperfectthe most epic gaming experience in theyearsafter our games are in the hands of gamers worldwide.
Blizzard Entertainment is looking for an Engineer with software and data development experience to join our Global Insights team and help shape the next generation of personalized player experiences. We are developing data-driven services to provide engaging real-time experiences to our players across multiple games. As part of this role, you will be responsible for contributing to the design, implementation, and maintenance of these services.
Knowledge and Experience
- Work with a team of engineers to build large scale data products and features.
- Debug issues in a production environment across multiple levels of the stack.
- Communicate effectively with the team and stakeholders.
- Promote positive engineering and team culture.
- Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science or related field, or equivalent experience.
- 3+ years’ experience on a software team preferably building back-end data services, APIs, or microservices in a large-scale production environment.
- Good experience working with relational databases and writing SQL
- Data Modelling and optimization concepts and experience
- Enjoy and have experience building APIs.
- Knowledge of the Hadoop ecosystem (HDFS, Spark, Flink, Hive, etc.)
- DevOps experience using containers on Kubernetes, or virtualization experience on OpenStack
- Experience with workflow schedulers like Airflow
- Cloud Development Experience on platforms such as AWS, GCP, Azure, or IBM Cloud
- MPP Database Solutions, Data Warehousing Technologies
- Full-stack Experience (Infrastructure, Storage, Databases, ETL, Web Services, Visualization)
- Java preferred
Application Materials
- Resume
- Cover Letter which should include:
- Why you are interested in working at Blizzard
Blizzard Entertainment is an Equal Opportunity Employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, national origin, protected veteran status, or any other basis protected by applicable law, and will not be discriminated against on the basis of disability.
Blizzard Entertainment is a global company committed to growing our employees along with the business. We offer generous benefits and perks with an eye on providing true work/life balance. We’ve worked hard to foster an intensely collaborative and creative environment, a diverse and inclusive employee culture, and training and opportunity for professional growth. Our people are everything. Our core values are real, and our mission has never changed. We are dedicated to creating the most epic entertainment experiences.
출처: <https://careers.blizzard.com/ko-kr/openings/obGEbfwq>
Business Development & Licensing•Irvine, California
Blizzard Entertainment is looking for an experienced, motivated, and highly organized individual to join the Business Development team. Business Development provides business services for a variety of groups across the Blizzard organization, including game development, internal technologies, legal, finance, marketing and the events teams. This individual will be responsible for managing a portfolio of strategic business opportunities in partnership with internal clients and external vendors/partners.
- Collaborate with internal teams to identify and assess new business opportunities that meet the strategic needs of Blizzard Entertainment.
- Negotiate inbound/outbound licensing terms and conditions for enterprise software, platform technologies, intellectual property and professional services.
- Research and identify new business opportunities while increasing market share with existing business partners.
- Manage request for proposal and proof of concept processes for both external and internal stakeholders.
- Act as the main business representative to external partners on behalf of Blizzard Entertainment.
- Provide support to business units during the contract lifecycle – solicit input for additional deal terms.
- Ensure the execution of contract points and track partner contractual compliance.
- Perform ongoing market analysis to support strategic planning efforts and key initiatives.
- Gather and synthesize relevant data, lead analysis, and develop recommendations on business development priorities.
- Creation of detailed status reports.
- Bachelor’s degree in a related field, MBA is a plus
- A minimum of 7-10 years of business development experience in the video game industry, software/platform technology or the entertainment industry
- Must have a deep understanding of licensing arrangements for a variety of verticals including enterprise software, platform technologies, intellectual property and professional services.
- Highly developed contact database in the video game industry
- Strong networking skills
- The ability to work within a diverse and fast paced environment while managing a large variety of projects across multiple teams
- Solid negotiating skills and ability to close deals
- Strong interpersonal skills along with effective verbal and written communication abilities
- Able to handle multiple tasks under tight deadlines
- Able to work independently, as well as part of a team
- Detail oriented, strong organizational skills, and solid follow through
- Strong motivation and high level of commitment
- Passion for video games and in-depth knowledge of Blizzard Entertainment franchises
출처: <https://careers.blizzard.com/ko-kr/openings/ollBafwb>
Community Development•Irvine, California
Blizzard Entertainment is seeking a highly skilled writer and content planner to join the Hearthstone community team. This individual will support a wide variety of community-facing writing for the game, including patch notes, in-game messaging, Battle.net messaging, blogs, and marketing materials. This position requires a writer with a relentless attention to detail, a varied toolbox of writing styles and voices, and a consistent ability to balance multiple varied projects under tight deadlines. In addition, this person should contribute significantly to the broad content planning across the team, helping us develop content calendars that meet our communication goals.
- Serve as the team’s primary content writer across multiple channels
- Manage Hearthstone’s patch notes process from inception to publication
- Write multiple blogs each month to communicate key game updates and development information
- Manage asset requests across multiple channels, including submissions, approvals, and implementation
- Program in-client messaging across the Battle.net app and within the Hearthstone game client
- Contribute to the team’s content strategy
- Perform content performance analysis to ensure consistent improvement in results
- Manage the team’s content calendar and communication to stakeholder teams
- Bachelor’s degree in English or creative writing, communications, marketing. or related field or equivalent work experience
- Minimum three years’ experience with brand communications and professional writing
- Demonstrated success working with large teams to drive measurable results
- Experience owning projects and driving their success, especially with multiple stakeholders
- Deep familiarity with online player communities across platforms like Twitch, YouTube, etc.
- Ability to analyze data to make conclusions and recommendations
- Experience writing a professional blog or managing a social media account in the gaming industry
- Project management training and experience
- A passionate gamer possessing ample experience with Blizzard games
- Existing strong personal network within Blizzard’s communities
Required Application Materials:
- Resume
- Cover letter**, which should include:
- Why you are interested in working at Blizzard
- What familiarity you have with Hearthstone
- Any relevant knowledge or experience with the gaming industry and live events
**Only submittals with Cover Letters will be considered.
출처: <https://careers.blizzard.com/ko-kr/openings/o64kbfwp>
Battle.net & Online Products•Irvine, California
Blizzard Entertainment has been rated for several years by Fortune as one of the "Best Places to Work." We are a community of 4,000 global employees who are passionate about gaming, and the platform and technology that drive player experiences.
The Battle.net & Online Products (B&OP) organization is home to 300+ superpowered engineers, program managers, and designers focused on the technology that powers Blizzard Entertainment’s games. Whether you’re playing one of our titles, chatting with friends, or just shopping online, B&OP ensures that our players are immersed in engaging, exciting, and secure experiences. B&OP is responsible for several platform products that are shared among all of Blizzard’s games. We are looking for a passionate and skilled Integration Engineer to join the Partner Success team within B&OP. This team partners with the development studios inside Blizzard and Activision to integrate games into the Battle.net platform. This position will often be the first technical point of contact for teams integrating new games onto the Battle.net platform. This is a new role will be responsible for the successful onboarding, delivery, and support of first- and second-party integrations.
You will interact with technical leaders and varied levels of staff within B&OP and on game teams from across the organization, including World of Warcraft, Overwatch, Hearthstone, and Call of Duty. Our ideal candidate is a seasoned technical partner with prior experience with large scale complex online services, a passion for building great experiences, and the ability to create successful partnerships across organizations. Responsibilities
- Master of the Platform: Develops and maintains a strong understanding of all the platform's features, the capabilities it unlocks, it’s current integration pain points, and best practices in order to provide strong proactive guidance to technical personnel responsible for integration. This person is going to need to be able to empathize with teams implementing our tech across the entire gaming hardware landscape (PC, Mac, Playstation, Xbox, Switch, iOS, Android space).
- Create Connections: Develops and maintains strong relationships (providing indirect leadership) with the technical contacts by serving as the principal day-to-day point of contact for all things related to the successful technical integration onto Battle.net across Blizzard Entertainment and Activision Publishing.
- Manage the Noise: Provides regular communication (cross- and intradepartmental, internal/external, and cross-hierarchy) to ensure transparency and progress of projects. Cuts through the ambiguity to identify the core issues (both procedurally and technically).
- Accelerate the Process: Communicates dates, capacity, metrics/results, and prioritization to make sure we are executing on high profile deliverables. Negotiate agreements that meet critical development and launch deadlines while maintaining positive relationships. Focuses on delivery while keeping a vision to create a repeatable process.
- Design Success: Ensures that software is being developed at high quality. Establishes how to technically roll out new products and features to maximize the platform’s potential. Balance the need to maintain platform and customer experience while ensuring game launch timelines are met.
- Drive Change: Works with a mindset of continuous improvement that uses data and retrospectives to guide our future processes. Assess current processes to ensure that we are focused on a smooth end to end experience that provides the best experience for integration (including identification of areas that can be automated).
- Technical integration experience with strong indirect leadership skills.
- Background in development, technical project management, or QA
- Prior programming experience
- Be self-driven, and show the ability to deliver on ambiguous projects with incomplete data
- Strong interpersonal skills and a love for collaboration
- Experience in working within disparate global teams
- Ability to work independently and under pressure
- Ability to provide structure in an unstructured and rapidly changing environment
- Highly motivated and with a positive attitude
- Seeks out opportunities for improvement on a continuous basis
- Knowledge of large-scale, complex online services
- Love of Games
- Geeks out over being a conduit
Blizzard Entertainment is a global company committed to growing our employees along with the business. We offer generous benefits and perks with an eye on providing true work / life balance. We’ve worked hard to foster an intensely collaborative and creative environment, a diverse and inclusive employee culture, and training and opportunity for professional growth. Our people are everything. Our core values are real, and our mission has never changed. We are dedicated to creating the most epic entertainment experiences…ever. Join us!
출처: <https://careers.blizzard.com/ko-kr/openings/onYGbfwW>
Hearthstone•Irvine, California
The infinite care and loving detail put into every aspect of our games is something we take seriously and pride ourselves on delivering to our players. Are you passionate about creating cost effective software development tools which will be used to enhance game development? Are you up for the challenge of joining a highly collaborative team while improving your professional skill set? Do you have a strong desire to work on a team and to contribute in meaningful ways with like-minded people?
Blizzard QA is a close-knit team that cares about iteration, collaboration, and succeeding together. We share knowledge and improve our skills by learning from each other’s success and failures via group discussions, mentoring, and embracing techniques that keep us delivering quality entertainment. In this position you will help build and maintain tools used in development every day. Are you excited about the prospect of joining our team and being a part of Blizzard Entertainment?
- Manage a small team of engineers and own code quality of team deliverables
- Collaborate with Blizzard teams to develop test plans, understand risk-based testing, and establish quality goals
- Identify, design, and deliver technical solutions (frameworks, tests, API hooks, tools) increasing test effectiveness and coverage, while reducing cost of test execution
- Implement metrics, analyze test data and results to identify patterns, report on risk status to development partners and influence software quality
- Share insights, solutions and best practices within the team and across Blizzard
- 5+ years of experience as a Tester, QA Engineer, SDET, Software Engineer or similar role with focus on quality
- 4+ years software engineering experience in a professional environment
- Fluency in C#
- Experience in team management and development of engineering talent
- Experience in the architecture and creation of automation frameworks, test harnesses and/or QA focused tools
- Experience interpreting large data sets and/or creating data analysis tools
- Commitment to quality and sustainable software development
- Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science or equivalent experience
- Experience with Unity
- Experience with C++ and Python development
- Experience with enterprise software automation solutions
- Experience working with multiple platforms such as Windows, Mac, Consoles, iOS and Android
- Passion for video games
Required Materials
- Cover letter
- Résumé
Blizzard Entertainment is a global company committed to growing our employees along with our business. We offer generous benefits and perks while providing a true life and work balance. We’ve worked hard to foster an intensely collaborative and creative environment, a diverse and inclusive employee culture, and training and opportunity for professional growth. Our team is everything. Our core values are real, and our mission has never changed. We are dedicated to creating the most epic entertainment experiences…ever. We are ever striving to improve ourselves, our product, and our customer's experiences.
Blizzard Entertainment is an Equal Opportunity Employer. All qualified applications will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, national origin, protected veteran status, or any other basis protected by applicable law, and will not be discriminated against on the basis of disability.
Accommodation Request: We are committed to working with and providing reasonable assistance to individuals with physical and mental disabilities. If you are a disabled individual requiring an accommodation to apply for an open position, please email your request to talentacquisition@blizzard.com. General employment questions cannot be accepted or processed here. Thank you for your interest.
Note to Recruiters and Placement Agencies: We do not accept unsolicited agency resumes. Please do not forward resumes to our website or to any of our employees. We will not pay fees to any third-party agency, outside recruiter or firm without a mutually agreed-upon contract and will not be responsible for any agency fees associated with unsolicited resumes. Unsolicited resumes received will be considered our property and will be processed accordingly.
출처: <https://careers.blizzard.com/ko-kr/openings/ol15afwl>
World of Warcraft•Irvine, California
The World of Warcraft team is seeking a highly-skilled engineer to lead the Gameplay team. It’s not lightly that Blizzard Entertainment counts “Gameplay First” among our core values that serve as critical guideposts to everything we make here. A great, lasting game begins and ends with gameplay, and in this role, your challenge is clear: craft the game systems that make compelling gameplay possible. This position is one of two leads on the Gameplay team. Together, and with the support of one of WoW’s largest engineering teams, you will define the technical vision for World of Warcraft gameplay.
Blizzard Entertainment is a global company committed to growing our employees along with the business. We offer generous benefits and perks with an eye on providing true work / life balance. We’ve worked hard to foster a deeply collaborative and creative environment, a diverse and inclusive employee culture, and training and opportunity for professional growth. Our people are everything. Our core values are real, and our mission has never changed. We are dedicated to creating the most epic entertainment experiences…ever. Join us!
- Manage, mentor, and evaluate a team of gameplay programmers
- Work with production and other leads to manage the Gameplay schedule and backlog
- Maintain familiarity with the game’s design
- Serve as a sounding board for the technical design of gameplay systems
- Maintain collaborative connections with Design, Art, Audio, QA, and the other engineering discipline teams
- Serve as an active partner in the engineering team’s leadership group
- Work with the team to define and maintain gameplay technical vision
- Must currently hold a senior software engineer position or higher
- Broad understanding of current World of Warcraft gameplay and systems
- A minimum of 5 years of programming experience
- Fluent in C++
- Experience in the design and architecture of various game systems
- Deep understanding of client/server architecture
- Experience with code optimization
- Strong communication and collaboration skills
- Experience leading projects or teams
- Experience working on MMOs
- Degree in computer science or related field
출처: <https://careers.blizzard.com/ko-kr/openings/osMGbfwP>
Hearthstone•Irvine, California
Pull up a chair and join us! Blizzard Entertainment is seeking a talented and enthusiastic software engineer to join the Hearthstone team. The ideal candidate will have a passion for making Hearthstone the best product it can be on all our supported clients. In this role, you will eagerly take on the challenges of introducing DevOps practices to an existing live game. Blizzard offers a fun, creative, and technically challenging environment with excellent compensation and a full range of benefits.
- Lead a small team of engineers to design, build, test, and deliver automation, tooling, and CI/CD pipelines that provide a smooth experience for developers to contribute source code, build artifacts, manage branches, and deploy internal tools and game components
- Collaborate with Tools, Client, Automation, QA and LiveOps engineers to improve the overall SDLC of Hearthstone
- Increase build cadence and quality while driving reliability improvements to the build process by working with Tools, Client, Automation, QA, LiveOps engineers
- Design, build, and distribute tools to improve game quality (reliability and performance) through crash monitoring, performance analysis, etc.
- Help make improvements to the team’s ability to develop and test the game, especially on mobile platforms
- Maintain familiarity with Hearthstone’s design
- Champion Blizzard’s core values, especially “Gameplay First”
- Experience with build tools such as Jenkins and Artifactory
- Experience with configuration management and orchestration tools such as Chef and Kubernetes
- Experience with VMs and container technologies such as Docker
- Experience with source control systems such as Perforce, Git, or SVN
- Strong, proven programming skills in C# and Python
- High comfort level extending and improving an established code base
- Ability to communicate effectively with artists, designers, and other engineers
- Ability to work in a collaborative environment
- A minimum of 5 years’ experience in delivering production-level code in a professional environment
- Familiarity with Hearthstone, at least at a casual player level
- Avid Hearthstone player
- iOS or Android development experience
- Previous experience shipping game titles
- Experience with Unity 2018.x or newer
- Database development experience (MySQL, Oracle, MS SQL, etc.)
- Experience supporting a live service
- Computer Science, Engineering, Mathematics, Physics, or related degree
- Familiarity with other Blizzard Entertainment products
Required Application Materials
- Resume
- Cover Letter which should include:
- Why you are interested in working at Blizzard
- What games you are currently playing
** Only submissions with cover letters will be considered
Blizzard Entertainment is a global company committed to growing our employees along with the business. We offer generous benefits and perks with an eye on providing true work / life balance. We’ve worked hard to foster an intensely collaborative and creative environment, a diverse and inclusive employee culture, and training and opportunity for professional growth. Our people are everything. Our core values are real, and our mission has never changed. We are dedicated to creating the most epic entertainment experiences…ever. Join us!
출처: <https://careers.blizzard.com/ko-kr/openings/oPCsbfwO>
Battle.net & Online Products•Irvine, California
The Battle.net & Online Products organization is home to 300+ superpowered engineers, program managers, and designers focused on the technology that powers Blizzard Entertainment’s games. Whether you’re playing one of our titles, chatting with friends, or just shopping online, B&OP ensures that our players are immersed in engaging, exciting, and secure experiences.
We are looking for a senior technical leader with proven experience leading teams of engineers to design, build, maintain and operate global, distributed, and critical technology platforms.
As the Group Technical Manager, you will be responsible for setting technical vision and building and managing a team of highly effective engineers that can deliver on that vision. The team will include individual contributors, technical leads and architects - all focused on creating and constantly improving one of the world's top online game platforms. You will also partner with program management to help prioritize building the best features our players crave. Game Service is a critical, foundational piece of every game on the Blizzard platform, and this is an opportunity to have a huge positive impact for our games and our players.
- Develop the technology plan and oversee all technical design and development on the team.
- Work together with Program Management, Technical Leads, Technical Managers of other departments, and Technical Directors across Blizzard to build Blizzard's Game Services platform.
- Evaluate and mentor engineers, technical leads and architects.
- Provide critical analysis of technology and development practices with the goal of improving platform quality and team efficiency and fostering a positive working environment.
- Serve as an active partner in driving Blizzard Entertainment’s technology and platform vision.
- Perform research to acquire new knowledge necessary to perform assigned tasks and maintain the technological evolution of current and future products.
- Maintain familiarity with Blizzard’s current game and system designs, as well as other gaming platforms and emerging technologies and services across the game industry.
- Overall ownership of the operation, reliability and availability of mission critical production systems.
- Technical, managerial, and leadership skills at the technical director, lead software engineer or technical lead level.
- A minimum of 10 years’ experience in game, server or platform engineering, preferably with strong experience building and supporting highly available distributed systems.
- Strong ability to partner with leadership from the larger development organization including engineering, program management, IT, QA, and others.
- Strong engineering skills and a proven aptitude for technical design.
- C++ / JAVA proficiency and familiarity with multiple other programming languages.
- Knowledge of common enterprise patterns for Data Warehousing and Gateways.
- Experience with Transactional, NOSQL, and distributed in-memory persistence technology.
- Operational excellence with testing, security and operational considerations as a part of the Software Development Lifecycle.
- Experience designing, implementing and supporting large distributed systems.
- Excellent verbal and written communication skills. Effective communicator at all levels.
- Bachelor's degree in computer science, or equivalent degree or experience.
출처: <https://careers.blizzard.com/ko-kr/openings/okWxbfwI>
anaconda mac install
python numpy
3.7 version
jupyter notebook server
folder 생성
new python3
hello python.ipynb
print('hello world') - run
스승이 왜 필요한지 알려주는 것 같아요. 독학을 아무나 할 수 있는게 아니에요. 독학을 통해 본질을 꿰뚫은 사람이 누군가의 스승이 되어 가르침을 주는 과정이 더 자연스럽고 아름다운 광경같아요. 백종원님 보면 존경스럽습니다. 단순히 요식업자가 아니라 누군가의 스승이시고 어떻게하면 더 잘 가르쳐줄까 고민하는 거에서 교육자가 아닌가 생각이되네요.