If the list of SSH keys on GitHub is short and you're unsure which one is the correct key, you can try the following approach to identify the correct key:

  1. List all SSH keys on your system: Use the ls command to list all the SSH keys in your ~/.ssh directory:
  2. ls -al ~/.ssh
  3. Identify the public keys: Look for files with the .pub extension in the ~/.ssh directory. These are your SSH public keys. Use cat command to view the content of each public key:
  4. cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
  5. Check GitHub SSH keys:
    • Go to your GitHub account settings.
    • Navigate to the "SSH and GPG keys" section.
    • You'll see a list of SSH keys associated with your GitHub account.
    • Examine the list to see if any of the keys match the ones you have locally.
  6. Compare SSH key fingerprints: Each SSH key has a unique fingerprint. You can generate the fingerprint for each local SSH key and compare it with the fingerprints shown on GitHub to identify the matching key.This command will display the fingerprint of your SSH key. Compare this fingerprint with the fingerprints listed on GitHub.
  7. ssh-keygen -lf ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub

By comparing the content and fingerprints of each SSH key, you should be able to identify the correct key that matches the one listed on GitHub. Once you've identified the correct key, you can manage your keys accordingly.


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